Sogno di Volpe Rosso
Montepulciano (Mon-ta-pull-chee-anno)
Sogno di Volpe translates to ‘The Fox’s Dream’ and the name was inspired by a famous childhood fable called ‘The Fox and the Grapes’, which was written in the 1st century AD by the Greek writer Fedro. The fox in the story fails to reach the grapes that he desires and claims he will try again when the grapes are ‘more ripe’. The fairy tale teaches us that we should not lessen the goals we cannot reach right away.
Montepulciano is well known red grape that originated in central Italy, and is not to be confused with the famous Sangiovese region of Vino Nobile di Montepulicano in Tuscany. Pairs well with beef, lamb, meatloaf, pizza, BBQ, sausage (andouille and fennel), mushrooms, macaroni and cheese.
Ariano has been using organic agricultural methods since 1997 and all of their wines are certified organic. These principles are carried on by the present generation represented by Frederica Ariano and Aldo Avello who look after the technical and production side and by Manuela Ariano and Omar Leonardi who are responsible for the commercial and marketing aspects of the winery.